
1 minute read

1 Installation

1.1 Build the Shared Library

1.1.1 Requirements

  • A recent c++ compiler supporting C++14 (g++5 or higher)

    # We should install gcc-7 and g++-7 because we use cudatoolkit-10.
    sudo apt install gcc-7 g++-7
    # Set current gcc and g++ pointing to gcc-7 and g++-7
    # sudo update-alternatives --install <link> <name> <path> <priority>
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 7
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7 7
    # sudo update-alternatives --config <name>
    # Choose the proper priority.
    sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
    sudo update-alternatives --config g++
  • Cmake

    sudo apt install cmake
  • LLVM 4.0 or higher

    sudo apt install llvm-10-dev
  • Cuda

1.1.2 Build

  1. Create a build directory where tvm is installed and copy the cmake/config.cmake to the directory:

    # In the directory where tvm is installed
    mkdir build
    cp cmake/config.cmake build
  2. Edit config.cmake to customize the compilation options:

    • Change set(USE_CUDA OFF) to set(USE_CUDA ON) to enable CUDA.
    • Set set(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME ON) and set(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME_DEBUG ON) to help with debugging.
    • Set set(USE_LLVM ON).
  3. Build the shared library.

    # In the directory where tvm is installed
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j4

1.2 Python Package Installation

# Add follow commands to ~/.zshrc.
export TVM_HOME=/path/to/tvm

1.3 Dependences

  • Use RPC tracker:

    conda install tornado
  • Test c++ with GTest:

    git clone
    cd googletest
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    sudo make install
