
1 minute read

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1 Extensions

1.1 Shell

1.1.1 Bash IDE

An IDE of bash script supports Code Completion, Find Reference, and Jump to Declaration.

1.1.2 Better Shell Syntax

An enhanced Syntax Highlight Theme based on Material Theme.

1.1.3 Shellcheck

A static analysis tool checks syntax of shell script.

1.2 Theme & Icon

  • Material Theme

  • Material Icon Theme

1.3 Python

1.3.1 Python


  • python.terminal.activateEnvironment: false
  • python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal: false
  • python.linting.pylintArgs:
    • --generated-members=numpy.* ,torch.*


Vscode also uses network stack of system, so vscode can also use Configuration of Ubuntu.

Common Hostnames

You can add these hostnames to pac.txt to provide these hostnames with a proxy.

  • update.code.visualstudio.com - Visual Studio Code download and update server
  • code.visualstudio.com - Visual Studio Code documentation
  • go.microsoft.com - Microsoft link forwarding service
  • vscode.blob.core.windows.net - Visual Studio Code blob storage, used for remote server
  • marketplace.visualstudio.com - Visual Studio Marketplace
  • *.gallery.vsassets.io - Visual Studio Marketplace
  • *.gallerycdn.vsassets.io - Visual Studio Marketplace
  • rink.hockeyapp.net - Crash reporting service
  • bingsettingssearch.trafficmanager.net - In-product settings search
  • vscode.search.windows.net - In-product settings search
  • raw.githubusercontent.com - GitHub repository raw file access
  • vsmarketplacebadge.apphb.com - Visual Studio Marketplace badge service
  • az764295.vo.msecnd.net - Visual Studio Code download CDN
  • download.visualstudio.microsoft.com - Visual Studio download server, provides dependencies for some VS Code extensions (C++, C#)
